Weekly Word: ZigZiglar

First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.  Life is a grindstone. Whether it wears you down or polishes you up depends on what YOU are made of. ~Zig Ziglar

I love Zig Ziglar. He started of as a salesman and eventually turned the art of teaching success in business into teaching success in life. Many of his sayings and lessons can apply to anything regardless of what you do or want to do.

Attitude Is Everything:

I always like to think of how a guy whose parents named him Hilary could overcome the ridicule that probably came with that and go on to inspire generations of people around the world. Just that one aspect alone proves that *your* attitude, not the opinions and attitudes of those around you, is one of the most important factors in controlling your life.

Setting Goals:

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About Ife Oshun

Ife Oshun is the author of The Angelica Brown Series. A professional writer and actor, she wrote and produced for the stage in New York and Los Angeles, for television (as a WGA intern on Star Trek Voyager and producer at Tyler Perry Studios) and produced a pilot for a Warren G reality show. She is currently working on her next novel and lives in Boston, MA.