RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman

RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman

Success isn’t what makes you happy. It really isn’t. Success is doing what makes you happy and doing good work and hopefully having a fruitful life. If I’ve felt like I’ve done good work, that makes me happy. The success part of it is all gravy.

Philip Seymour Hoffman Imdb profile

I’ll never forget seeing Hoffman’s work for the first time. It was Boogie Nights, back in the early 2000s. Going in, I had no idea the flick was about the 70s porn industry in Los Angeles, and was a little shocked that the film, despite its subject matter, was so good. One reason was the brilliant characterization Hoffman brought to his character.

Through the years, he continued to deliver seamless characters, and although he was referred to as a character actor in Hollywood–a sign of respect in the industry, an acknowledgement among peers that you are an artist–he also proved to be a worthy leading man as seen in Capote.

I’ll always respect his devotion to doing good work, doing right by the characters he portrayed and focusing on the love of the craft. RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Philip Seymour Hoffman tribute tweets

Boston Stands Strong

Boston Stands Strong

Boston Stands Strong

Boston Stands Strong

I’m in shock as are many of us here. Trying to do anything I can to help anyone I can. It feels like there isn’t enough to give.

To the left is a picture of a little boy, Martin, waiting at the finish line, so proud of his marathon running dad, the father he had just hugged after he crossed the line. The dad he was waiting to hug again. Seconds after that hug, this boy’s body was taken away from him. But they can never take away his spirit.

Boston Stands Strong

Boston Stands Strong

I am proud of the way our city has come together in the wake of this tragedy. Bostonians always knew that no matter how cold people say we are deep down there is the Rock of Ages. And it’s visible today. In a city full of history, “oldest,” and firsts, we are stronger today than we ever have been. We are united. And we are moving forward through this thing one step at a time. Patriots Day now has a new level of significance; Patriots Day 2013 showed the world that they can never kill our Spirit.

Thanks to everyone for all your words and calls of encouragement. God bless all the souls who have been affected by the events from yesterday. God bless us all.

Boston Stands Strong